College Supporters

Office of the President

College Supporters

The Rowan County Board of Commissioners

The Rowan County Board of Commissioners consists of five (5) members who are elected at large in countywide elections to serve four-year staggered terms. The Board’s main purpose is to maintain fiscal responsibility while providing mandated services as set out in the General Statutes and for additional services as passed on to the County by state and federal governments. The Board is also responsible for setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the County’s growth and development; adopting and providing for ordinances, rules and regulations as necessary for the general welfare of County citizens and other services deemed appropriate and necessary by the Board. (Source)

The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges

Officially coming into existence in January of 1981, the State Board of Community Colleges serves as the governing authority for the North Carolina Community College System. The Board is empowered by the General Statutes to adopt and implement the policies, regulations and standards necessary for administering and operating the nation’s third largest system of community colleges. From its creation in 1963 through 1980, the Community College System operated under the auspices of the State Board of Education. (Source)

The Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners

Cabarrus County is governed by a five–member Board of Commissioners, elected at large in countywide elections to serve four-year staggered terms. The Board’s primary duties include: adopting an annual budget; establishing the annual property tax rate; setting policies, goals and objectives to direct the County’s growth and development; adopting and providing for ordinances, rules and regulations as necessary for the general welfare of County citizens; entering into written contractual or legal obligations of behalf of the County; and carrying out other responsibilities as set forth by North Carolina General Statutes. The Board also makes appointments to a number of advisory boards and committees. (Source)